Rodney St.Michael's Message to Oprah
Jani Schofield's Schizophrenia
Posted on Oct 10, 2009 9:44 PM
Hi Oprah!
Finally you have an interesting show about schizophrenia.
I developed paranoid schizophrenia about 16 years ago in California,
and I was confined in Las Encinas Hospital. Now I'm back in South East
Asia and East Asia, and I'm better. (Even if a lot of natural disasters
have hit the area recently)
I have written four books about my experience:
1) Little Voices: A True Paranoid Schizophrenic Adventure (978-0738823270)
2) Illuminati: Healing and Developing the Mind (978-0595259663)
3) Sync My World: A SEA & Nautical Map to Relative Peace (978-1-4116-0286-1)
4) Sync My World: Thief's Honor GA SK (978-0-557-08220-9)
I heard five voices and drew five diagrams in my first book. And after
years of analysis, I have concluded in my fourth book that these five
elements are what I call "gender minds." Each person has a ("male")
left and ("female") right brain. And in different combinations, they
produce five basic minds in different combinations or groupings, much
like the political systems of different countries or organizations.
They can be combined in an "infinite" number of ways, such as the
colors red, green and blue (RGB) which can produce millions of colors
on your computer screen depending on the shades.
Jani's Hallucinations can be explained this way:
24-Hours (little girl) - female gender mind
400 (Cat) - bisexual (most dangerous)
Wednesday(Rat) or birds - gay (dangerous too)
dogs - male
girl in background (?) - lesbian
My Voices or Hallucinations:
Oobola -female
Ulol - male
Tanga - bisexual (most terrifying voice)
Feelsoree - gay
Inoe - lesbian
While most people's gender minds are silent like your conscience, a
schizophrenic's mind has an imbalance of brain chemicals
(neurotransmitters) and hormones. Thus, the gender minds become audible
while normally, it is inaudible.
My fourth book also has a free ebook version (232 pages) which explains
the cause of this condition. (Unfortunately, I can't type the web
address here since your terms and conditions prohibit external URLs).
While some doctors believe that it is caused by a virus (Torrey) and
others believe that it is "genetic," it is actually
astrophysically-caused. A basic knowledge of astrophysics is required
to understand it, but even lay people will be able to grasp at least
some parts of it.
California law requires schizophrenics forced drug inducement through
neuroleptics, which are actually molecular derivatives of insecticides.
Taken in the long run, it will cause severe and permanent nerve damage,
and you will look like Michael J. Fox, as he is right now.
My books, however, discuss a safer solution which is in tandem with
some of the themes of your show. I hope that other schizophrenics
around the world can benefit from it.
Thanks and have a pleasant day!
Rodney St. Michael
P.S. While normally, all people have the five basic gender minds in
various degrees that create unique personalities, it is amplified by an
imbalance in brain chemicals, and it is more pronounced in females
since their right and left brains are more connected via the corpus
callosum (the "cable" that connects your left and right brain).
They can speak as "one voice" like the one-party system of China, or as
a two-party system like Democrats and Republicans, or as a multi-party
system with numerous voices like India's political system.
Your brain is like congress or a parliament, and when you become
schizophrenic, it is like senators or members of parliament "killing"
each other or locked in indecision. But when they speak with one voice,
there is peace.
P.S. 2
Jani should imagine the dog barking at 400 (cat), Wednesday (rat), the
birds and any other animals. The dog should maintain order and
discipline and tame even 24Hours and any other girl. An image of a
Chinese Fu dog from a Feng Shui shop in her room would be helpful.
P.S.3 The Oracle at Delphi
In the ancient past and in some parts of Asia today, schizophrenics
play an important role in society. They were usually respected shamans,
prophets or the like. So in Jani's case, if she lived in Ancient
Greece, she would probably be part of the Oracle at Delphi, a highly
respected shrine used for making important decisions.
If the elders for example needed to know if they could win a war in the
Middle East against the Hindu-Arabs, they would consult the Oracle,
since they believed that schizophrenics were in touch with the natural
forces of nature and were like weather instruments. For example, if
Obama had to consult the Oracle for his war in Afghanistan with Jani's
symbols, the omens would be pretty bad. The "bisexual" or the "Brown
Male" is named "400", a formidable name. And the "gays" or the "Whites"
are depicted as indecisive rats (Wednesday being the middle of the
week), not as powerful eagles for instance. A bad sign.
The elders would probably agree that the force of nature is not with
them since it favors the "Brown Male". So their best strategy is to
retreat. However, the rat is a gambler and he may try to take a chance.
But the chances of success are poor since the "weather" is pretty bad
for him.